new York.

Ye Qing successfully transformed into a salted fish again.

When you have nothing to do, secretly follow the method taught by Gu Yi to steal dark energy from the dark dimension to improve your cultivation.

I didn't dare to make too much.

Well, it was mainly because when he played for the first time, he thought that Dormammu couldn't kill him with a single paw.

Just faced Dormammu once.

The result was indeed not shot dead.

Because Dormammu didn't play with him seriously at all.

He just regarded him as a bug that strayed into the dark dimension, and casually blew a garlic-smelling breath.

He quickly recovered from the injury he suffered through the fairy bean, and the Saiyan blood was greatly developed.

However, through the attack, Dormammu entered his body with strange and regular energy, which made his life worse than death for a long time.

In the end, it took a long time to beg Gu Yima to solve the problem.

This made him dare not make further waves, and decided to raise his strength to the peak by stealing the energy of the dark dimension first.

Up to now, only five or six days have passed.

His physical body and soul have been developed again, and his cultivation base is also rising.

Restored to the completion of the foundation period.

Believe that if you do it again, the golden elixir stage will arrive.

Well, it's not far from successfully chewing Dormammu as a snack!

As for the fact that this reincarnation experience is a civilized reincarnation war——

Just kidding, I've fought so many battles.

Can't you just let me take a good rest and enjoy myself? !
Also, about his cub Yele——

He didn't know what to say.

He used to be alone for a long time, and when he had nothing to do, he went to the street to tease little Lolita, which was his daily activities except when he was with his own mommy.

Not much time dealing with other people.

Now a little guy suddenly appeared, still his cub, which made him confused and at the same time at a loss.

Don't know how to deal with it yet.

Well, maybe it can be the same as what his daddy did to him, just smoke when there is nothing to do, exercise the body since childhood, and be invincible when you grow up.


The convenience store's notification sounded.

Ye Qing turned his head and found that it wasn't his stupid son who left school, but a guy in a neat suit, about forty years old, and a bit bald.

"Hi, I'm Agent Phil Coulson, from the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support Agency."

This person identified himself as soon as he arrived.

Just as he was about to continue talking, he suddenly found that there was another person in the convenience store.

Well, it was a guy who was as strong as a mountain, with dark skin, but he could still see his bruised nose and swollen face. He was struggling to mop the floor of the convenience store with a mop.

"Um, this is—"

"Oh, a colleague."

"He also runs a convenience store?"

"No, he is also a pervert. After finding out that I am a fellow, he planned to cooperate with me. He robbed a wife, and I robbed a little loli. Then I felt that a wife was not unacceptable to me, so I caught him. I intend to torture the plan he made, and then I will carry out the perfect implementation by myself. Don’t worry, after the plan is tortured, I will deal with him harmlessly, and you will never find evidence.”

The voice fell.

Coulson was a little dazed.

These words--

Is it really okay for you to say it so frankly and proudly in front of me, a member of the official department?
Even if you cover it up, I'll just pretend it's invisible.

"Ahem! Let's get down to business."

The corner of Coulson's mouth twitched, and he took out a document from his pocket.

"First of all, in view of your outstanding contribution to the Allies in World War II, it was proposed by Director Fury, approved by the selection committee and the grant you the rank of lieutenant colonel."

"Well, how many little lolis are allocated each month for this rank?"

"...Sorry, little loli is not a consumable on Earth."

Coulson's face turned blue.

In fact, he came here to ask for his life.

Because the history he knew from the beginning was that the captain of the United States, Steve, led the team to wipe out the evil Hydra. Steve was a great soldier of the Confederate States.

Not long ago, he realized that there were many secrets hidden in that period of history.

Although there was a group of people who did not help the war much, but all of them possessed the mighty power of gods, they also appeared in that period of history.

Among them, one was even Captain Steve's master.

So he took the initiative to ask for orders to come over, wanting to see what kind of person this is, who can cultivate a great person like Steve.

did not expect--

His faith is broken.

"There is one more thing. This matter was personally instructed by Director Fury, saying that only you can solve it."

Coulson said in a deep voice: "In terms of relationship, your nephew, Tony Stark, disappeared after a display of arms and equipment. According to the on-site investigation, we can confirm that this is a malicious kidnapping. Now, he has a high probability He was caught and locked up in a place we couldn't find, and we hope you can find him and get him out for the sake of him being your nephew."

"Hey? Where's Howard? Didn't he also take the super soldier serum?"

Ye Qing was startled.

He wasn't curious about something wrong with the timeline.

No matter how powerful the plot correction power is, when he came here with Gao Feng and the others, there would always be some traces left behind, and these traces would inevitably lead to slight changes in the revised plot.

Want to remain unchanged, unless the fact that he has been in this world is erased.

However, Howard logically said that he could live after taking the super soldier serum and being reminded by himself at the beginning!

"Unfortunately, the cause of his death may be because he didn't want to let things like super soldier serum spread, and he has been refusing to hand over the formula, so someone moved his mind... Nearly 20 years ago, when he was driving home, he was killed. Killed by a killer with a metal arm."

Coulson paused, thinking of a gossip.

So he whispered: "I heard that he kept shouting a few words before he died..."

"Hey? What are you talking about?"

"He yelled, 'Ye Qing, you bastard, this guy's movements are as smooth as a ghost, I can't kill him without stepping on the brakes', and he also yelled, 'You fucking should remind me to bring a better gun'."

Ye Qing: "..."

Colson: "..."

Ye Qing: "..."

"Well, about saving your nephew, if you want, I hope you can hurry up..."

Coulson said tentatively.

"Hey, well, let's start now."

Ye Qing sighed sadly.

He knew that Howard might also be overwhelmed by the plot correction.

Although he didn't really believe it, he felt that this guy might have feigned death to keep the formula from being leaked.

After all, he not only reminded Howard to be careful when going out after having a son, but also gave Howard the wreckage of the [Abyssal Mecha] that was smashed by Huiyue.

Decades passed until Howard was killed.

He didn't believe that Howard didn't research anything.

"Okay! Then please wait a moment, I will arrange the plane right away."

Coulson's spirit was shaken, and he was very excited when he thought that he would soon see Master Steve's rumored almost omnipotent ability.

"What age is it, you still use airplanes?" Ye Qing looked disdainful.

"Huh? It doesn't work like an airplane—"

Coulson didn't finish his sentence.

The next moment, he only felt a change in front of his eyes, appearing in a desert.


Coulson's eyes widened.


Stark felt like a fucking dream.

Just yesterday, I was holding a very successful weapons demonstration.

Since the huge power of the Jericho missile can inspire all the soldiers present, it will definitely help him earn a lot of money.

Thinking about the future feels wonderful.

But today, I became a prisoner of a group of unknown guys.

Not to mention being forced by them to make missiles, because the bomb fragments entered the body, a large hole had to be dug in the chest, and an electromagnet that could generate magnetic force was embedded in it to prevent those small fragments from flowing into the heart.

You have to hold a car battery to charge it!

"You gotta pull yourself together, Tony."

Dr. Ethan, who was tied here with him, said seriously: "You are a genius, then you should know that even if you make missiles for them, they will not let you go. So if you want to live, You should hurry up, use your smart brain as early as possible, and find a way to escape, instead of pretending to be about to cry like a child!"

Those words finally cheered up Stark.

He turned on the [Missing Dad] mode.

Soon, he thought of Dad who had nagged in front of him countless times, saying that the more dangerous you are, the less you should be afraid, and you should be calm and calm instead.

And a psychopath that his dad often mentioned.

And what he saw when he was a child and when he was young, what his dad studied in the secret studio——

A mech.

Then, a plan was formed in his mind.

He first spent a day, with the help of Dr. Ethan, using various tools and materials provided by his captors to create a miniaturized Ark reactor, which replaced the heavy car battery and placed it on his chest.

Then it took a few days to repair the plank road and cross Chencang secretly.

A crude version of [Iron Man Armor] was created.

Their abnormal behavior finally attracted the attention of their kidnappers. Several people ran out of the cave where he was held with guns, trying to open the door to check.

The bomb they tied to the iron gate successfully blasted the people outside to pieces.

However, both of them knew that this movement would attract the attention of everyone outside.

And now, the program that allows Stark to control this armor has not been transmitted yet.

"Tony, I'll lure them away for you. You may have to walk the rest of the way alone."

A look of determination appeared in Dr. Ethan's eyes, he picked up the gun from a dead body on the ground, and gave Stark a complicated expression.

Then, he rushed out.

"Come on! Bastard! You all come and catch me!"

Dr. Ethan's yelling became farther and farther away, accompanied by intense gunfire, until both his yelling and gunfire disappeared.

A pained look appeared on Stark's face.

After a while, the program was finally transferred.


The battle armor weighing hundreds of catties relies on the miniaturized ark reactor on his chest to transmit energy, and it runs heavily.

"You all have to die!"

Stark gritted his teeth, his eyes were bright red, and rushed out.

But he stopped after only a few steps.

Because he saw two people appeared in front of him.

A suit and leather shoes, with a unique Western face, as if he was going to meet someone of noble status, so he was dressed formally.

As for the other-

The upper body is a vest, the lower body is wearing a pair of large red underpants printed with various small flowers, and a pair of flip-flops with a maximum of two dollars a pair are worn on both feet.

It doesn't fit in with the environment here.

And the wise eyes flickering in his eyes made Stark involuntarily think of a mental illness that his dad had mentioned countless times...

"Well, Coulson, in this situation, how would a good man like you talk to dissuade him from his vigilance."

Stark heard the burly man speak.

It just tastes weird.

On the side, some balding middle-aged men gradually became confused.

We good people?

Meaning you are not a good person?

"Ahem, because they said that good people cannot raise loli privately, so from that day on, I decided not to be a good person."

Ye Qing kindly explained.

"... Bad guys are not good either... Forget it, in fact, good guys and bad guys are not suitable for a pervert like you."

Coulson's eyelids twitched wildly.

Thinking that Stark was still here, he hurriedly took out his ID from his pocket——

"Hello, Mr. Stark, I am Agent Phil Coulson, from the Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Support official organization department of the United States."

"It means that the person who kidnapped me this time is an official person. When he found out that I might escape, he came over immediately and wanted to tell me that everything was actually a misunderstanding?!"

Stark, who had been locked up for more than ten days, was very vigilant.

"No, you misunderstood, we are not with the group of people outside."

After Coulson finished speaking, he found that Stark had become more vigilant, and vaguely wanted to do something, so he couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Well, you don't have to trust me, then you should trust the one next to me, he is—"

"I am the incarnation of the Lord of Lolita, the spokesperson of all evils, and the black hand behind the organization that imprisoned you."

Ye Qing's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he said sullenly: "What's the matter, do you think you can hurt me by wearing this iron shell? Let me tell you, your beloved... you may only have a little My dear [Little Pepper] is in my hands, Mister Stark, you don’t want your girlfriend or assistant’s lunch to be milk, do you?”


Stark was furious instantly, he raised his mechanical arm to give Ye Qing and Coulson a fire-roasted feast.

Ye Qing snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the Iron Man armor on Stark's body instantly fell off piece by piece like a poorly crafted handicraft.

Stark was still in the gesture of raising his hand.

It's just that, except for his clothes, he has no other hair at this moment.

"...I think we can have a good talk, as long as you don't hurt me... Well, don't hurt my friend Ethan, and my assistant Pepper."

Stark's eyes became clear.

"Hey hey, good job, you are indeed my eldest nephew!"

Ye Qing's eyes brightened.

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