Chapter 188
"Hello interviewer." A nervous young face appeared on the other end of the screen.

Besides this young man on the screen, there are two other people on the screen, upon closer inspection they are Zhang Lingyun and Mao Sui.

Although the company was on holiday, Li Yi still gave the two of them a difficult task, which was to select 20 people to become new employees of Muyi Company from the [-] resumes selected by Li Yi.

In fact, these sixty resumes are all Li Yi's carefully selected ordinary people with mediocre abilities and ordinary looks.

It doesn’t matter how you choose, but in order to demonstrate the democracy and freedom of Muyi Company, Li Yi still gave this task to Mao Sui and Zhang Lingyun. In fact, their task is not to select capable people, because these sixty people have gone through Li Yi's strict screening showed that they were basically the same in terms of ability.

Therefore, Li Yi's real purpose was to ask Mao Sui and Zhang Lingyun to pick out twenty people who seemed to be pleasing to the eye. As for what kind of people met the requirement of being pleasing to the eye, let the two of them decide.

"Hello, introduce yourself." Mao Sui said in a suit.

"I'm studying game art design. I just graduated this year. I used to be an intern at the Cosmic Man Game Company in the imperial capital before."

Mao Sui nodded upon hearing this.

Li Yi is also particular about the selection of candidates. The first consideration is the fresh graduates who have just graduated, or those who have joined the work soon.

Because those who have been in the workplace for many years have long become veterans in the workplace and are extremely troublesome to manage, so this time Li Yi selected all [-] people from fresh graduates.

He is simple-minded and capable. He is exactly the talented person Li Yi needs.

The interview soon came to an end.

Although Mao Sui was not satisfied with the business ability of the fresh graduate in front of him, he wondered why Mr. Li insisted on recruiting fresh graduates that other companies did not like.

But after thinking about it, Mao understood.

Because from these fresh graduates, Mao Sui saw himself when he just graduated from university.

Students who grew up in ivory towers often have a mysterious idealism, and game practitioners all have an inexplicable ambition to dedicate themselves to games and to make a truly fun game.

But the reality is cruel. Most game companies focus on monthly revenue and KPI performance appraisal. Who cares what game ideals you have.

Therefore, many fresh graduates enter game companies, and after being severely beaten one or more times by reality, they will slowly become the people they once hated the most.

No one is exempt from vulgarity, because people always have to eat.

Generating electricity from love is nice, but not realistic in the long run.

The reason is simple, if you don't eat, you will starve to death.

But for Muyi Company, these young people's dedication to the game is just what they need.

Because in Mao Sui's view, Muyi Company is such a company that perfectly combines ideals and business, and the core spirit of this company is passed down from top to bottom, Mr. Li, a top game producer.

Zhang Lingyun watched quietly from the side. She knew that she was just here to make soy sauce. After all, she didn't understand technical things.

"The last question, can you accept the company working overtime?" Zhang Lingyun took the words and said seriously.This question was specifically asked by Li Yi to ask Zhang Lingyun during the interview.

Faced with this sudden killing question, the young man on the other side fell into a panic.

If I say that I like to work overtime, it must be false. It is impossible for normal human beings to like to work overtime.

But if you say you can't accept it, then you will definitely miss this job.

Should I be a person who dies standing up, or a person who crawls forward for life?
After several exchanges of ideas, the young man finally made his own decision, with a righteous expression on his face, and said generously: "For the sake of the company's progress, I can accept overtime and make progress together with the company."

What he said was so generous that even the young man almost believed what he said.

After the interview was over and the video was turned off, Mao Sui and Zhang Lingyun looked at each other, and both of them could see regret from each other's expressions.

Zhang Lingyun lowered her head and gave the interviewer an X on the notebook in her hand.

On the other side, the young man who turned off the video and finished the interview took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted his chest, with a somewhat proud look on his face.

Fortunately, I was quick-witted and quick-witted.

Because Li Yi had already selected, the next interview was extremely fast, and some people who did not come for the interview were equivalent to automatically abstaining.

So in two hours, the two of them were done.

But in the end, there were only fifteen people who answered the question correctly, and more than ten people who answered ambiguously.

According to Li Yi's principle that those who gave wrong answers must not be hired, Mao Sui and Zhang Lingyun finally selected No. 20 and sent them a work notice.

"Assistant Zhang, why do you think Mr. Li added this question at the end?" Mao Sui asked Zhang Lingyun a little confused.

"I'm not too sure. You have to ask Mr. Li this question. Goodbye, see you at the company." Zhang Lingyun shrugged and closed the interview video.

Mao Sui came back to his senses and looked at the two dark screens on the screen, still thinking about it.

"Working overtime?" Mao Sui muttered, suddenly he had a flash of inspiration.

"Yes! Mr. Li is testing his honesty and his ability to work independently!
A confident and capable person who has goals for the future and a plan for his time will not bother to lie about this kind of issue.

Only people who are afraid of losing their jobs and want to find a comfortable life, and people who have no self-confidence, will lie or be ambiguous. "

The more Mao Sui thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct. Mao Sui, who was convinced of his own understanding, sighed quietly: "As expected of Mr. Li."

After what was called a week, and the two-day break was actually a nine-day vacation, the employees of Muyi Company, who had played enough for a long time, finally ushered in the day of work in anticipation.

And when they came to the company, they found that there were many strange faces in the company.

These are the twenty new employees that these people formally interviewed with Zhang Lingyun.

After the twenty new employees came to the company, all of them were dumbfounded. Some even wondered whether they had come to the wrong place.

This super-large three-screen workbench, luxurious peripherals, entertainment room and snack room, as well as the low-key, luxurious and connotative decoration inside the company.

Everyone doubted whether they had arrived in heaven.

They just tentatively submitted their resumes to the company, and then after an online interview with an older-looking young man and a pretty girl, they were informed that they had passed the interview and were notified to join the company.

They admitted that at first they were only interested in the company's high salary. If the company's environment was bad, it would be bad, and they could tolerate it for a small amount of money.

But after arriving at the company, they instantly fell into such a paradise-like working environment.

Especially the recent graduates among them were stunned. The image of the company in their minds had already been demonized by previous seniors and online renderings.

Doing animal work with human wages, how happy it is to be able to work in 996 company, and so on.

But when they came to Muyi Company, they were all dumbfounded.

Doesn't it mean that the company's conditions are poor?
Is it so bad?
Many people looked at the entertainment room, snack room, and the luxurious computer configuration, and couldn't help thinking.

It's not me bragging, with this kind of working environment, let alone working overtime, you can let me die in the company every day!
(End of this chapter)

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