Loki didn't say more, just clenched his fist slightly.

They've always been, they've always been.

Asgard is a country that advocates force, especially after Odin conquered the Nine Realms, this worship of personal martial arts makes the overall atmosphere of Asgard very... direct.

Just like the four warriors of Asgard, Vorstagg, Fandral, Hogan, and Sif.

As the leader of the younger generation of Asgard, the four warriors of Asgard are like the epitome of the mainstream values ​​of Asgard today.

They worship martial arts, the so-called righteous warriors, so they follow Thor willingly, because he is the product of these values.

Their eyes never saw the bad side of their stupid brother.

And what's even more funny is that the so-called four warriors of Asgard are actually all from Warnerheim.

They never follow themselves as they follow Thor, because they think Loki, who plays with magical visions and schemes, is a villain, an impossible loser to the throne.

It's like he's here now, out of recklessness, out of stupidity, out of innocence - they don't even know that those frost giants were put in by Loki.

As Loki thought, his stupid brother came to Jotunheim for such a ridiculous provocation, so maybe Loki could prove to his father how Thor was not fit to be king of Asgard. !

Everything is going according to its own plan! Loki thought triumphantly.

But when he came to Jotunheim with this stupid orangutan, Loki regretted it a little.

No matter how reckless, Thor wouldn't really attack the frost giant on the frost giant's territory, right?

That can no longer be regarded as reckless, that kind of behavior can be said that the undead who have eaten their own brains can't do such stupid things...

"Son of Odin."

The voice that was so cold to the bone appeared as the frosty ice field spread, and a figure draped in black robes appeared in front of a group of Asgard uninvited guests.

"You're Laufey? Good! Explain why you..."

"Are you questioning me?" The man in black robe interrupted Thor's words without hesitation. The eyes under the black robe glowed with a icy luster, staring indifferently at the young Thor in front of him.

"As you are, are you questioning me? Thor Odinson."

"I'm not questioning! I'm ordering!" Thor roared like thunder

"Lauffy, you have defiled the hallowed halls of Asgard! You have insulted my father's honor!"

"Then, do you want war?" The man in black robe spread his arms, and countless frost giants climbed out of the eternal frozen ground, their eyes emitting an incomparably cold light, like stars in the night sky

"You brought these people to Jotunheim and questioned me as Asgard. So may I think that you want a war?"

Thor was about to speak when Loki, who was beside him, hurriedly stopped his impulsive brother.

"Thor, calm down and think, this is Jotunheim! We are outnumbered..."

"See where you stand, bro!" Thor interrupted Loki impatiently, he hated being taught how to do it

"You are like a group of children who don't know what they are called." The man in black robe looked at them all, mocking and malicious.

"Stupid and ignorant, brought your weapons here to ask for guilt, and then rolled back in shame. Little prince, is this your style? Is this your battlefield?"

"Damn." Loki knew right away that something was wrong

The next moment, the provoked and angry Thor decisively threw the Thor's Hammer in his hand! However, the hammer penetrated the black-robed man as if it had penetrated a phantom.

This hammer seemed to sound the alarm bell for a duel, and in an instant, countless frost giants ran and attacked the warriors of Asgard!

Even when Loki was killed, he didn't expect that his stupid brother would really choose to go to war.

However, they obviously have no time to complain.

Thor controlled Thor's hammer to fly in the air, crushing the frost-like bodies of frost giants, Fandral wielding his meteor hammer, Sif slaying with sword and shield, Vorstag wielding a battle axe, Hogan pulling Shoot out a longbow.

Their weapons are made of precious uru metal, which comes from the core of a dying star, and Thor's Thor's Hammer is made of ur metal from a white dwarf's inner substance!

So even if it looks primitive, the technology of Asgardians is far superior to that of humans. Their powerful magical characteristics and the strong physical fitness of Asgards have created warriors that are enough to defeat a thousand on the battlefield.

"Can't we be a little more challenging!"

Thor wielded Thor's hammer to mow the grass recklessly, while roaring at the black-robed man in the distance

"Coward, face me! Fear me! Just as you fear my father!"

"Stupid little prince." The man in black robe just waved his hand lightly, commenting indifferently

More and more frost giants are swarming like ants. Their number seems to be endless, and each of them is also extremely fierce and not afraid of death!

And their broken bodies would even return to their broken bodies on the ground, and Loki saw with his own eyes a frost giant whose lower body had been smashed to continue crawling towards them relentlessly!

Not right! This is not right!

In the knowledge that Loki has learned, the frost giant is not such a wicked thing! Although they have unparalleled resilience and vitality, they are definitely not so evil!

He quickly picked up the arm of a frost giant, and quickly chanted a spell in his mouth, only to see the bursts of black gas emanating from the arm, which made Loki's face change greatly.

"Thor, there's something wrong with these frost giants!" Loki yelled at Thor

"What's the matter with you? You want us to lay down our weapons again! Be brave, Loki!"

"Idiot! Didn't you realize that these frost giants can't be killed at all?" Loki used the spear made by illusion magic to pierce a frost giant that came over, and roared at Thor in embarrassment

"These are not frost giants! These are undead!"

"So what? It's a bunch of ice scum that shatters when you touch it!" Vorstag said nonchalantly.

Loki is almost speechless, Asgard Warriors... Are they all idiots who use their brains as fat to train them out!

But there is always someone with a little brain.

"That person, he's not Lau Fei!" Sif shouted loudly, pointing at the man in black robe who was watching the play in the distance

If all the frost giants in Jotunheim were dead, the master who ruled this place could not be the king of the frost giants. So, who is he?

The man in black robe didn't respond, but let out bursts of muffled laughter. He took out a sword from the black robe, carved sheep bones and blasphemous runes, exuding a disturbing chill and death.

Sword of Dominance Frostmourne

He inserted the ruling rune sword cast by the shadow world into the ice, and the power of death spread along the rune to the entire ice. In an instant, the bones of countless frost giants buried deep in the ice were Awakened!

Not only that, the skeletons of the giant beasts that died lurking under the ice, the beasts that died in the war between Asgard and Jotunheim, the giant snakes 100 meters tall, and even those who had lost their bodies and only skeletons. Frost Dragon!

die! Infinite death!

The undead swarmed up, and for them with an infinite number and infinite resurrection, they did not need tactical considerations. Battle damage is never within the scope of thinking, the only purpose is to shred the opponent and shred those lives.


Thor roared and raised the Thor's Hammer high in his hand, and the runes engraved on it summoned the magic power from the World Tree. The huge and roaring pillar of thunder fell from the sky, turning the densely packed frost giant undead into ashes within a kilometer.

However, their enemies are still many, and the number is still endless...

"Heimdall, take us away!!!"

So far, Loki's only hope is Heimdall, but the rainbow bridge has not responded to their call. The cold and twinkling stars in the sky are like Heimdall's ruthless eyes.

Countless undead surrounded Thor and his party on the edge of the cliff, but the man in black robe separated from the sea of ​​undead and slowly approached, said leisurely.

"You never knew the truth of the past, little prince of Asgard. You thought your father was weak, you just never saw his cruelty and madness - did you see him smashed with the light of the rainbow bridge The capital of Alfheim? Have you ever seen him order his executioner, young and old, yours?

Sister Hela beheaded all the captive dark elves? Have you ever seen him take Jotunheim's Icebox, and his muse Belheim's Eternal Fire? "

He looked at Loki next to him and sneered in an endless mocking voice

"No, you don't know anything, you don't even know the real history hidden on top of your father's throne. Asgard is a goddess, but in reality, you are nothing but maggots born of corpses. Little prince, you Not even this false nobility."

"Shut up! Asgard's dignity cannot be desecrated!!!"

The furious Thor threw Thor's hammer at the opponent without saying a word, but this time he hit the opponent - his hammer was directly held in the opponent's hand, unable to move!

"This is impossible?!" Thor wanted to recall his hammer in disbelief, but in the palm of others, the proof of his kingship remained untouched!

"Ah, the execution tool belonging to Odin's executioner has now become the weapon of the crown prince. Odin's bad taste is really great."

The black-robed man smiled maliciously, and his power continued to suppress the magic placed by Odin in Thor's Hammer.

Why can only qualified people lift Thor's Hammer? It's just the rune magic that Odin casts. If you want to forcibly lift it, you don't need to have the power to lift a white dwarf, as long as you can continue to suppress Odin The runes engraved on it are fine.

Once upon a time, Asgard had many gods who were equal to or even surpassed the father of the gods in magic - but most of them have disappeared in the long history.

Because those gods are from the Vaner Protoss, most of the gods who are good at magic are from Vanerheim, the homeland of the goddess Frigga. Sure enough, no matter where, the suppression of internal forces to maintain the security of the system is the same.

"Little Prince, I'll give you a chance to escape from here." The man in black robe released his hand and let the Thor's Hammer fly back to Thor's hands, looking at the terrified Hammer, smiling maliciously

"Let's have a duel. If you win, I will allow you to escape from here."

Thor calmed his breath, nodded heavily, picked up the hammer and walked out of his comrade-in-arms, aiming the hammer at the man in black robes.

"Don't get me wrong, your opponent is not me." The black-robed man shrugged.

"Actually, I'm not the master here either. I'm just a passerby. The one you want to fight...is the real master here."

The next moment, he dissipated in place like a light smoke, and a figure suddenly appeared in the endless undead like the ocean.

Thor held his breath for a moment.

In the endless cold wind, the deity stood there, his flames steamed with ice to shape the sky into a storm, and then turned countless raindrops into white mist, which was blown away by the wind and then condensed again. The flame of the gods disappeared and appeared in the white fog, as if breathing.

His horse had eight legs, golden scales all over his body, thunder rolled in his throat, and lightning flashed from his nostrils when he snorted.

He himself was wearing dark golden armor, a blue wind cloak, and a long spear like a dead stick in his hand, which was completely the decoration of the gods in the murals. But his body was tightly wrapped by the shroud, and the surface of the shroud was covered with blood-red spells, and it looked like a ghost.

He wears a golden mask on his face, and the eyes and mouth of the mask are sprayed with lava-colored light, and the only one eye emits a golden light.

The supreme, the great and the darkest and darkest of the gods and the ghosts merged in him. Even if he did not mention his name, as long as he saw him, he would think of that god.

War, Grimm, Raider, Third God, One-eyed God, Father of Gods, Truth, Grimnir, God in Cloak, Father of Almighty, God of Scepter!

He has countless names, just as the wind has countless names, and there are countless ways to die!

he is--

Odin! ! !

21. Odin's Homeschooling

"This is blasphemy!!!"

Thor's face instantly flushed with extreme anger, and there is nothing more humiliating than this! His father, the king of the gods, was imitated so badly and playfully!

But Thor's hand clenching Thor's Hammer was trembling unconsciously. He didn't realize it, or was unwilling to admit it. In his mind, the 'monster' in front of him was more like the tyrant in the legend of the Nine Realms. The feared father of the gods!

Hela is right. Thor has never seen his father's true appearance. He has never seen the ruthless and ruthless attitude of the father of the gods, who wanted to slaughter in order to consolidate his authority and the supremacy of Asgard. I have never seen my father betray his father without hesitation for power and pull his brother down from the throne.

Odin is not great, or he is nowhere near as great as he is cold and ruthless. .

But that's not a reason why they can blaspheme and insult their own father!

Thor held up the war hammer and swung it out, and the surging thunder spear shot out from the hammer, rushing towards the undead-like ‘Odin’

But Odin just raised his hand and wiped it lightly, and an invisible barrier blocked the surging thunder wave, and even the thunder of the magic summoning could clearly see the broken posture of the thunder in the barrier.

The dark crows swept suddenly like a wave of black clouds

The pale and sharp minions, condensed in the darkness, swept towards Thor. Thor once again summoned the roaring thunder, but the thunderstorm bathed in half was smaller than the last time.

Even though the power of his envoy Thunder came from the Thor's Hammer in his hand, he still had to pay a price to use the rune above to borrow power from the World Tree.

Frost and cold snow formed two huge giant wolves to pounce on Thor, the pale-faced Thor swung up with a warhammer, he tried his best to avoid the sharp minions, but the two giant wolves were cunning and powerful. Containing only one attack, the claws left deep scars on Thor's sturdy armor.


Thor roars and beats these frosty wolves with his hammer. His attacks always work, but these frosty wolves can recover in the blink of an eye.

Loki looked at all of this in horror, or looked at the 'Odin' in horror. The one-eyed golden light didn't even look at Thor, but kept looking at the void in front of him. emptiness and indifference.

From beginning to end, that 'Odin' didn't really take action against Thor, but just released his crows and hunting wolves, dealing with Thor as if they were hunting prey.

That thing didn't use the power it should have at all, at least he didn't urge the "gallows" under his crotch, and didn't use the "lightning" in his hand.

Loki didn't think that thing would look good.

Although the gun in the fake's hand is not as gorgeous as the one in his father's hand, it is more like a branch that was ripped off from an ancient tree, and then equipped with an extremely simple gun head, which is better than the shuttle dart used by primitive people to shoot bison. Not much better, but there was some kind of terrifying golden light on it, rising and falling like breathing, rising.

Loki can perceive that this gun is definitely not what it looks like!

If his father's golden Gungnir is the scepter of the king of the gods, then this Gungnir is like a living death, a scythe that death harvests life.

Looking at Thor who was in a hard fight, Loki bit his lip slightly, and immediately created a self with an illusion, and then the body became invisible and sneaked in the direction of the fake Odin!

It's better to rely on yourself, although it's not a bad thing for that brainless muscle idiot to die, but it's his turn when he dies!

However, as soon as Loki entered the phantom dimension, he instantly bounced out as if he was punched hard!

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