Days passed, and soon, the day for Li Xueyue to leave arrived.

Li Xueyue told herself that she would not cry even if the servants packed her luggage. She watched Heiyue being led towards the carriage.

She stood at the gate of the palace, chin raised and looking forward.

Li Xueyue told herself that if she cried, the Li family would cry too. But the problem was that Queen Wang Qixing was already in tears. She sniffed and wiped away every drop with a handkerchief.

"Dear, please write to us." Queen Wang Qixing exclaimed. She rushed to her daughter, ignoring all etiquette. She reached out and pulled Xueyue into her arms.

"Of course, Mom." Li Xueyue squeezed out a few words. Seeing her mother shed such tears, she felt more heartbroken than anything else.

"Xiaoyue, when you arrive in Han, you must eat at least five meals a day." Li Wenmin saw his mother take a step back, then he came over and hugged her.

Li Xueyue was amused by his words, even though her throat was tight and they sounded a little broken and distorted.

It was hard for her to hold back her tears when she was feeling so low. She looked up at the sky, where the bright sunshine was hidden behind thick clouds.

"Xueyue," Emperor Li Chenyang said as his son let her go. "It would be wise to understand that anyone who stands in the way should no longer stand."

Li Xueyue nodded after hearing his words, but she was a little confused deep down. That night, her hands were covered in blood, and she was not sure if she could do it again. She would never forget the feeling that night.

“Father, I want to ask you something.” Li Xueyue said in a low voice. Hearing her words, he raised his eyebrows, but motioned her to step back a few steps. They walked a short distance towards the palace wall, where no one could disturb them.

The family gave them much-needed privacy.

"Did you hesitate at the last moment?" Emperor Li Chenyang asked.

Li Xueyue shook her head. "I've always wanted to ask, but did you know of my existence before you met me?"

"No," he replied. "Why are you asking?"

"You once threatened Li Taojun with a secret that would ruin his reputation." Li Xueyue said. "Do you remember what it was?"

To be honest, there are many secrets that Emperor Li Shenyang used to blackmail. He can't remember all of them.

"Which one are you referring to?"

"Father, take a good look at me." Li Xueyue ordered. "Isn't it strange that I look a bit like the Li family?"

The emperor's eyes widened. He was smart enough to know what she meant. He put two and two together.

Emperor Li Chenyang was rarely surprised by anything in life. He always predicted things before they happened. But this? He would never have thought this was possible in a million years.

"It's just as you thought." Li Xueyue said. "I am indeed the only daughter of King Li Tao, the one you used to threaten him."

Emperor Li Chenyang had never felt so much regret as he did at this moment. He was well aware of her terrible past. The guilt threatened to eat him alive. He had indirectly hurt Xueyue. It was unintentional, but his actions led to a terrible fate for a child.

"Xueyue, I'm sorry, I didn't expect--" He paused. What could he say or do to change the past? At that time, he hadn't met Xueyue yet. This was a difficult situation.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she said. “Maybe if you hadn’t threatened Li Taojun, I wouldn’t have had such an abusive childhood.”

Li Xueyue gave him a gentle smile. "But nothing we say or do can change the past. Looking back on the past will never lead us forward."

She took his weathered hands in hers. "I think we can safely say that your redemption was the kindness of my family to me. You took me and gave me an opportunity that I will never understand."

Emperor Li Chenyang was filled with emotion. He had always known that she was a mature young woman. But he had forgotten how smart she was. Her words touched him deeply.

"Despite all of this," she added, "I still feel pain for your actions. It's hard to forgive you, but time will heal me. At least... I hope so."

"I will," he said firmly, giving her a loving, gentle smile.

No one asked them any questions about the private conversation. They pretended it didn't happen and everything went on as normal.

"Yueyue, remember this." Li Chenyang grabbed her elbow. "The Li family offends everyone and everyone."

Hearing his words, Li Xueyue blinked her eyes fiercely. This is true. She had learned this many times before.

Li Chenyang smiled lightly and loosened his elbow. "Even if there is no danger, please write to me. Chatting is better than no chat."

Li Xueyue's lips curled up into a smile. "Of course, Brother Chen."

The sound of horses neighing caught her attention. She turned her chin and saw the carriage. There was a small one in the front, a medium one in the middle, and a medium one. Soldiers on horseback surrounded the carriage.

"It finally happened, didn't it?" Li Minghua said. She touched Xueyue's shoulder and glanced at the comfortably dressed siblings. "You were smart not to wear fancy clothes. If you did, the journey would have been terrible."

"I will definitely not miss what you say." Li Xueyue raised her eyebrows thoughtfully.

Li Minghua smiled faintly and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Someone has to cheer us up, right?"

"Maybe so." Li Xueyue whispered. She checked the carriage for a while and found that there were one or two maids accompanying him.

“Where did Black Moon go?” Li Xueyue asked. In shades of brown, yellow, and white, it was hard not to notice her midnight dark horse.

The first to speak was her mother. "The Black Moon is..." She struggled to find the right words.

"Rough," the Emperor said. "The trainer tried to get him to ride up front with the other horses, but Black Moon doesn't seem to accept another rider except you."

My father tilted his chin toward the back of the wagon, where a black horse was resisting the man who was pulling the reins. "A wild one."

Li Xueyue laughed. "I always forget that he has a bad temper."

Emperor Li Shenyang was amused by her words. He was sure that the stable boys would always remember the rebellious horse, even though it was gone.

"I think he'd ride better if he was by my side," Li Xueyue said. "If you could tie him to the middle carriage, he'd like it better."

Emperor Li Shenyang nodded. "Very good," he replied. He waved his hand, and the eunuchs accompanying him hurried to the front of the controller. Words clashed, and the man's face was full of hesitation. It wasn't long before Black Moon's reins were guided to the central carriage, but the stubborn animal bit and neighed in protest.

"I'll do it." Li Xueyue said.

"Princess..." the butler said to her worriedly. His heart trembled at the thought of her being trampled by this violent horse. Who could have thought that such a well-mannered girl would do such a crazy thing?

"You're such a spoiled brat," Li Xueyue said as Heiyue continued to push his head against the reins. He didn't realize that she was the one dealing with him. He could hear her voice but he couldn't see her.

"There, there, your baby." Li Xueyue patted his soft mane, and Heiyue purred in response.

Black Moon stamped his feet, but relaxed at her gentle touch.

Quietly and efficiently she guided him towards her carriage.

Li Xueyue didn't know where to tie the reins until she finally found a hook to tie the leather around. She quickly did it in a few seconds. It seems that the book of knots came in handy.

Li Xueyue was so focused on looking at Heiyue that she didn't notice that everyone was looking at her. She turned around, but was greeted by a long silence.

"What is it?" Li Xueyue asked.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the servants and soldiers, she blushed. Her family was proud of her, especially Li Wenmin who was the first to express his opinion.

"And I'm here because I'm worried that you're not suitable for Hanjian." Li Wenmin sighed. "I didn't expect that you would be so elegant when tying a horse, Xiaoyue!"

"No, no, Heiyue was just being well-behaved at that time." Li Xueyue said modestly. When he patted her cheek, she smiled shyly.

Li Chenyang didn't expect that he would feel so relieved because of his brother's words.

To be honest, he was also worried about Xueyue's safety in Hanjian. But when he saw her skillfully riding the horse, he knew there was no need to worry.

Han Jian values ​​capable women like Li Xueyue. This certainly explains why they have so many female soldiers, some of whom are even generals. If he remembers correctly... Han Jian has a female commander.

Queen Wang Qixing said, "My dear, there is no need to be so humble to us." She took her daughter's hand warmly and held it tightly.

Li Xueyue just smiled in response. She was surprised when she heard the whispering of... pigeons?

"Father, that is——"

"Messenger Pigeon." Emperor Li Chenyang said. "It's troublesome to train this particular person, but she is young and will do the job quickly."

Li Xueyue opened her lips in shock. "Thank you, I don't know what to say..."

"No need to say anything, just accept my gift," Emperor Li Shenyang said. He handed her the caged bird, and she gratefully took it with both hands.

“If there are any problems, I hope you will write to me as soon as possible,” he said. “If there are any problems, I will not hesitate to send all the Li troops to Han.”

Li Xueyue couldn't say anything, but she expressed it with her actions. She put down the cage and hugged him warmly, the first time in all the years she had known him. Everyone was caught off guard, even the man himself. He smiled heartily and patted her on the back.

"You will do well in Hanjian, I know it, my dear child."

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