This group of people began to think about whether it was necessary to learn from Haier and Zhenxing Electric and go back to improve after-sales service.

But when they thought about establishing after-sales service points across the country, they felt overwhelmed. How much would it cost.

Ni Changhong waved his hand and said:”The establishment of after-sales service has to be postponed. Now we have to talk about the current matter. If this continues, I will go bankrupt. How can we talk about after-sales service.”

Other manufacturers also echoed, This is indeed their most pressing problem right now.

This is also what worries them the most right now.

Hong Kangjia said:”Since Mr. Zhang has called us all over, he must have some ideas, right? Why don’t we tell him and let’s study it.”

Zhang Tongchen stopped trying to be pretentious and said,”Bosses, now we have to solve our problems. , there is only one way, and that is to engage in a price war with imported brands. Dear bosses, we believe that the prices of your products should be collectively reduced.”

“Collective price reduction?”Li Shengdong was the first to speak out.

In the first half of this year, he led a major price reduction for imported brands, and the results were remarkable, but it was only limited to shopping malls in Yanjing. Now what Zhang Tongchen wants them to do is to ask them to reduce prices again? And it’s collective. Price reduction?

Faced with the doubtful looks of these manufacturers, Zhang Tongchen said:”As the newspaper said, the survival of domestic brands is now at stake. Guys, why not give it a try? Before the new tariffs take effect, the market of imported brands will be completely squeezed out and they will be driven out of the Dragon Country market.”

Ni Changhong said:”Reducing the price? I have a price reduction promotion every National Day. Will it work if we collectively reduce the price?”

Of course Zhang Tongchen knew that Changhong Color TV always cuts the price by two to three hundred yuan every National Day for promotion. He said:”Mr. Ni, how much did Changhong reduce prices before?”

“Three hundred dollars.” Ni Changhong said

“If you want to target imported brands this time, I suggest you lower your prices more aggressively.”Zhang Tongchen said

“So what would you say is an appropriate price reduction?” Ni Changhong said

“Price reduced by 30%”Zhang Tongchen said

“How many!”Manufacturers jumped up collectively.

A 30% price reduction. This is not a price reduction, this is bloodletting.

Ni Changhong immediately said:”Are you kidding? When we produce a TV, the commercial gross profit is only about 25%. You Let me reduce the price by 30%?”

Li Shengdong also stood up and said:”Mr. Zhang, you are just kidding me. There is no way to reduce prices like yours.”

Zhang Tongchen laughed and said,”Everyone, that’s why it’s called a price war. Only by using absolute price advantage to defeat imported brands Brand advantage can work. Besides, the 30% price reduction I mentioned refers to the 30% price reduction for your products that have been selling poorly. Other products with good sales can be reduced by less.”

Hong Kangjia thought for a while and frowned. He frowned and said:”Mr. Zhang, although your method is a loss, we can’t afford the loss. But tell us, in which city should we fight this price war? Yanjing? S Hai?”

Zhang Tongchen smiled and said:”Since we want to completely drive out imported brands, of course we can’t limit it to one place. The price reduction I’m talking about this time is a nationwide price reduction.”

As soon as Zhang Tongchen said this, everyone at the scene burst into laughter again.

Hong Kangjia said:”Lower prices across the country? And the reduction is up to 30%. Mr. Zhang, you are kidding me.”

Li Shengdong also said:”This is not bloodletting, these are fatal.”

“I don’t think we will be the first to drag ourselves to death before imported brands are driven out of the Dragon Country market.”Someone else said

“Yes, it’s too cruel. Our manufacturer wouldn’t be able to make much money in the first place.”

Zhang Tongchen was not surprised when he saw such a big reaction from everyone.

All of this was expected.

He cleared his throat and said:”Everyone, in order to prevent you from losing blood, my boss has told me that in this game In the battle to defend the national brand, Zhenxing Electric is willing to stand on the same front with you.

Therefore, Zhenxing Electrical Appliances has made a decision.

If the bosses are willing to reduce prices, we will share the losses with you.

We are willing to return half of the profits from all products sold at Zhenxing Electric during your price reduction period.

It is impossible for Zhang Tongchen to persuade these manufacturers to lower their prices, but Zhenxing Electric is taking the opportunity to make money. What Zhenxing Electric can do is to make these manufacturers feel that they are not losing money.

Therefore, Zhenxing Electric will give them half of the profits and let them return As expected

, everyone was surprised to hear that Zhenxing Electric was willing to return half of the profits to them.

After all, Zhenxing Electric also sells imported electrical appliances. Zhenxing Electric will not be as affected by the new tax as they are, as long as the price of imported color TVs drops next year. , Zhenxing Electrical Appliances is still making money.

But their life is not easy, but it is simply cruel to let them cut prices by 30% in the national market. Not only will they not make money, they will probably lose money if this price war starts. If they work for a year and a half, then what if Zhenxing Electric agrees to return profits to them?

“This matter is so important that I need to think about it carefully. Hong Kangjia said, rubbing his forehead.

“Yes, this is a nationwide price reduction. If it is just a price reduction in one city, I can still accept it.”Li Shengdong’s voice is also a little hoarse.

It’s terrible to lower prices nationwide. Although he admits that once they succeed, the future will be great, but they are worried that they will die on the road to beauty.

“Okay, originally this kind of thing is not a decision that can be made just by slamming the table.”Zhang Tongchen was not surprised. Everyone’s reaction was within his expectation, or within Lin Shen’s expectation.

But they didn’t know that even if Zhang Tongchen didn’t come to them this time, they would spontaneously start fighting next year. There is a price war, because if they don’t fight, they will be completely cornered, and the aggressive imported brands can push them to a dead end.

However, now they still have luck and illusions, or they have not thought about the problems at all.

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