[Comprehensive] A heroine who doesn't want to be a villain is not a good hero

[Comprehensive] A heroine who doesn't want to be a villain is not a good hero


166 Chapters Completed Status


Chaos Neutral Traits: May keep promises.He will lie and cheat when he feels the need to.Do not kill innocent people.Special methods will be used to obtain information.Rarely kills for fun. (Seldom kills for pleasure.) Usually don't help others without reason.Have little respect for authority.Not a team player - just do what you like, regardless of whether it will violate orders. "Characters of chaotic neutrality follow their own impulses and are complete individualists."——The above content is from Baidu Encyclopedia (partially modified) Attention!Reminder: *The heroine of the flower of evil type is basically chaotic and neutral, and she stepped into the villain camp in the later stage (x* emphasizes that the heroine can be defined as a villain under the mainstream concept of this article, please leave immediately if you feel uncomfortable* But this is essentially Still a love story Su Wen(?) *cp finally decided to be Dabi* The main line is the growth of the heroine, and the branch line is about love / Dark Element Control┃ Supporting roles: protagonist ABC, villain ABC


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