127. I guess I’ll have to crack down on it

Sohn Mi-joo, deputy secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Son Mi-joo, who studied to the point of nosebleeds and passed the fierce diplomat candidate exam, was appointed as a new official after going through the National Diplomatic Service.

In the beginning, she took care of the overdue work of her seniors and helped her, but she was tired of the enormous work that was gradually piling up.

In the end, it wasn’t until the time when dark circles descended to the cheekbones that all the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the early days were lost.

Like a zombie, he was busy doing his daily tasks.

“hahahaha… Why did I get so many emails again? How are you? They do a lot of shit. Why did they throw the planning of the diplomatic proposal contest to me again? and! It sucks.”

2nd year at Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of France.

She entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the tender age of 28, but now her mouth boasted a gruffness comparable to that of a tolerable construction worker.

Son Mi-joo checked the watch on her wrist.

“Is it already this time? What else is our French ambassador going to say today… He must be whining about the tax exemption again.”

Unusually, the French Embassy purchased and operated about 10 private residences near Gangnam for its diplomats staying in Korea.

However, the French Embassy overlooked the spiciness of Korea’s comprehensive real estate tax.

The French embassy asked for an extension of the comprehensive real estate tax payment due to the sudden double real estate tax,

Son Mi-joo was constantly being harassed by requests for ‘tax reduction’.

“Well, it makes sense… There is no such thing as a comprehensive real estate tax in France. Still, when you come to Rome, you must follow the Roman law. Or do it in a rental format like other missions! under…”

Han Jeong-hee let out a deep sigh as if the ground was going to collapse, and lifted her butt with difficulty.

“What kind of power can a new diplomat have? If it’s just black, you have to. going. Go.”

So Son Mi-joo headed to Seodaemun-gu, where the French Embassy in Korea is located.

French Embassy in Korea.

Son Mi-joo greeted us happily with a business smile on her lips.

“oh! Ambassador Bruno. How you doing? Haven’t you had any discomfort in the meantime?”

“Is there anything uncomfortable because Officer Son always cares about you? I am always grateful.”

I was a little puzzled by the attitude of Ambassador Bruno, who was strangely friendly today, but continued the conversation without showing off like a professional.

Son Mi-joo changed her expression heavily.

“The tragedy in Paris is deeply mourned. How anxious must you be?”

“It is really sad and terrifying. It should never happen again. Fortunately, in my home country, France, I am preparing to recover from the wounds and rise again.”

Son Mi-joo nodded heavily.

“It will definitely happen. We, Korea, will do our best to help.”

As if he had been waiting for that word, Bruno’s eyes twinkled.


“of course. This is not just a French problem. Terrorism is something that can happen in any country. We have to have a sense of community and help where we can!”

Ambassador Bruno clapped at Mi-joo Son, who was arguing alone.

clap clap clap.

“As expected… it seems like a reliable ally. In that sense, may I ask you a favor?”

“Yeah? suddenly? what kind of request…? If you’re talking about comprehensive real estate tax, that’s difficult unless the two countries sign a separate agreement based on the principle of reciprocity…”

“That’s not it. Do you know someone Song Gyu-Ha?”

“Song Gyu-ha…? Song Gyu-ha… Um.”

Son Mi-joo thought of the name Song Gyu-ha in her political and business data, but no one came to mind.

“They said he was an actor.”

“Actor? Learn!? Actor Song Gyu-ha Of course I know. There must be no one in Korea who doesn’t know him these days? But suddenly, Mr. Song Gyu-ha…?”

Of course, I thought he was a person from the political and business world, but Son Mi-joo was a bit taken aback when the name of actor Song Kyu-ha came out of the mouth of Ambassador Bruno.

“There was a request from PNAT to send Kyu-Ha Song to France.”

Son Mi-joo’s face turned white.

“PNAT? Where is the PNAT?”

“This is the French Prosecutor’s Office for Counterterrorism. He said he wanted to help Song Kyu-ha in Korea so that he could visit France through the official route.”

“No, why? He’s just an actor. The French Counter-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office is looking for a reason…?”

At that moment, a piece of news passed through Son Mi-ju’s mind.

It was news that Song Kyu-ha and the filming team were in Paris at the time of the Paris terror attack and returned to Korea safely.

“Ambassador! He has nothing to do with the terrorism. He is not a Muslim and has nothing to do with the Islamic State (IS). Common sense wouldn’t allow a famous actor to do something crazy like that.”

Seeing Son Mi-joo, who was so flustered, that she poured out words like a rapid-fire cannon, Ambassador Bruno spread both hands to calm her down.

“calm down. I think you misunderstood something, but that’s not what I meant. PNAT judged Mr. Song Kyu-ha as a hero who subdued the terrorists at the Bataclan Theater and asked if he could be persuaded to bring her to France as politely as possible.”

“Yeah? What..? Yeah!?”

Son Mi-joo did not understand Ambassador Bruno’s words as if she had suffered a momentary brain freeze.

“PNAT tried to contact Mr. Song Kyu-ha separately, but he said that he had never done such a thing and hung up. I haven’t been in touch since then.”

Son Mi-ju, who came to her senses a little, asked back.

“It wouldn’t have been if he had said that. I think you misunderstood or misunderstood something at PNAT.”

Ambassador Bruno shook his head resolutely.

“no. A video has been restored from the broken CCTV at the Bataclang Theater. There, there was a scene where Song Kyu-ha subdued the terrorists and saved people.”

“Oh My God….”

At this point, Son Mi-joo recognized that this was not a joke, but reality.

“I don’t think the righteous man wants to publicize what he has done, but this is not something to be taken lightly. According to expert judgment, Song Gyu-ha’s courageous actions saved the lives of about 100 citizens. If those terrorists had even committed suicide with bomb vests… whoa… just thinking about it is horrifying.”

“No, common sense makes sense.. does it make sense? He’s an actor…”

“Anyway, I would like the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs to persuade Mr. Song Kyu-ha. If you do that, I promise you that our relationship with Korea will become very close and harmonious in the future, in the name of my ambassador.”


A calculator hit Son Mi-joo’s head.

It was because there were not a few social and economic benefits that could be obtained if diplomatic relations with France were strengthened.

“First… I’ll meet you and convince you.”

Sohn Mi-ju’s eyes burned with a mission in her second year as a diplomat.

“This is how I came to you.”

Stellar entertainment breakout room.

Secretary Son Mi-joo finished her words while fiddling with the cooled teacup on the oval wooden table.

After hearing all of Secretary Son Mi-joo’s story, Han Jeong-hee was at a loss as to what to say.

If you think about it, what kind of business would a foreign ministry employee come to an entertainment company?

He came out of nowhere and the French prosecutor’s office was desperately looking for actor Song Kyu-ha, so he begged if he could come just once, but it was just absurd for Han Jeong-hee.

“Um… so ha! what should i say about this You seem to be misunderstanding something. Our Song Gyu-ha is an actor, an actor.”

“I said the same thing. But… hmm.”

Son Mi-joo said after glancing at Gyu-ha, who was sitting silently.

“They said that the CCTV that was damaged at the site was restored. In that video, Mr. Song Kyu-ha… subdued the terrorist was filmed.”


Han Jung-hee’s widened eyes turned to Kyu-ha.

At this point, Kyuha could no longer remain silent.

“Hmm… I didn’t even think of CCTV.”

When Kyu-ha finally said something that seemed to admit it, Son Mi-joo and Han Jeong-hee’s mouths opened wide.

“Gee, was it real? Did Kyu-ha really do that… like he said earlier?”

Han Jeong-hee asked again at the completely unbelievable reality.

“I didn’t mean to do that. Among the staff, there is Yang Seong-il, but that friend was at the scene and went to rescue him.

The two women, sitting in the presence of Kyu-ha scratching their heads and staring at Han Jung-hee, felt beyond absurd and devastated.

“No, that’s why you go in there? crazy really! I want to die, crazy!?”

Han Jeong-hee slapped the arm of Kyu-ha next to him with the palm of his hand.

“I’m sorry for worrying you. In fact, I didn’t say it because I was afraid it would be like this. I’m afraid you’re worried…”

Han Jeong-hee raised her ax eye.

“Of course I am concerned. No one cares! A person called an actor walked into the limb. Ugh I don’t think I can live up to my name because of the real Kyuha. I caught my guard for a moment, and in the meantime, it happened… Oh my God. there? You walked in through a rain of bombs and bullets? her! heh heh heh”

Even thinking about it again, Han Jeong-hee burst out laughing as if it was absurd.

Son Mi-joo, who had been paying attention, intervened, thinking that this was the moment.

“Anyway, the French side treats Kyuha with great care and wants to hear about the situation at the time. Shouldn’t such a terrible tragedy happen again in the future? Can’t you just go to France once? I will accompany you.”

“Haa… My head is too complicated. I’m sorry, but could you go back today? Let’s discuss it with Kyuha. It’s not going to be a bad thing, but Kyu-ha is definitely a public figure, so I’ll have to think about it.”

“all right. Please make a good decision. And as a fellow Korean, I am proud of you and you have done a really great job. As a public official who eats rust at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I thank you on behalf of you.”

Son Mi-joo bowed at 90 degrees and greeted Kyu-ha.

Han Jeong-hee looked at it with a complex and subtle expression.

Son Mi-joo went back and there was only heavy silence in the conference room.

“I understand everything. You wouldn’t have gone in there just because Kyuha was crazy. Originally, I knew that Kyuha was that kind of person.”

Actually, I just entered, but I didn’t open my mouth.

“But… Kyu-ha is an actor. It’s not Superman. Kyu-ha said that in his acceptance speech for the Best Actor Award at the Yellow Dragon Film Festival. Now I have people I can call ‘family’. There are many people who sincerely care about Kyuha. It wasn’t a place like that after getting hit once. I almost died. No matter how strong a person is, they all die if they get shot.”

Seeing Han Jeong-hee speak with tears in his eyes, Kyu-ha felt uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry, chief. I will make sure that doesn’t happen in the future. I know very well that there are many people who worry about me. But there was nothing I could do to save someone dear to me. There’s no way that would be the case, but even if team leader Han Jeong-hee was in that situation, I would have gone in without hesitation. anyway! Never before! I will make sure this doesn’t happen.”

“Haa… Even if you say that, if a similar situation happens, you will do it again. Ehh… what can I do? Anyway keep in mind! Also keep in mind There are many people who care about and care for Gyuha. Please value yourself more. Got it?”

“Yeah. I will keep that in mind.”

“What about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs request? It’s not like I’m going to give up easily…”

“I will go to France one more time. I think I need to keep my mouth shut so things don’t get bigger here.”

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