The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1004, the Northern Expedition begins!

"So, I predict that Katalin will definitely make the Northern Expedition. In addition to her own wishes, the current situation is also extremely favorable."

Talleyrand and Lane continued to discuss everything, and before they knew it, they had arrived at a camp where people were everywhere. Among them, the ruins of a three-story apartment had been used by soldiers in a short period of time using canvas, Wood and bricks were temporarily piled up to ensure protection from wind and rain, and a large sign was erected at the entrance of the apartment.

"Ute's Miracle Food Group! The price is reasonable, the ingredients are fresh and delicious, everyone is welcome to come and try it!"

This is a temporary military hotel opened by a halfling gang. It is also called the "Meal Group" by the soldiers. It has always been the favorite place for officers and knights to stay when there is no war. As we all know, halflings are particularly good at cooking. As long as they have decent ingredients, halflings can always cook delicious meals.

Francois approved this group of halflings to join the army in the military camp, and they were quickly welcomed by almost all the officers and knights. As a result, dining groups, which can also be called field clubs, began to appear, and people opened them here at their own expense. Xiaozao or socializing.

As soon as they opened the door and came in, there were about thirty old guards and more than forty knights in the room. When everyone saw Ryan's appearance, almost everyone stood up, and Ryan stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Like you, we are here to eat. Sit down and let everyone eat what he wants."

"Hahahaha~" Everyone laughed and then sat down, but everyone's eyes were still on Ryan. Some even shouted: "Your Majesty, I recommend the spring vegetable stewed mutton here, it is very delicious!"

"Then have one, oh no, two." Ryan and Talleyrand found a quiet corner to sit down, and the knight said to the halfling waiter who was running around excitedly with bare feet: "One more." You can take care of the staple food and your special sweet wine."

Then, the two men continued to talk about the situation.

It was rare for Ryan to personally explain to Talleyrand the advantages and disadvantages of Catalin's Northern Expedition. The high elf really didn't know much about war, but he had concluded that Catalin would definitely choose the Northern Expedition.

"Katalin's Northern Expedition has two advantages. First, whether it is the royal family, the Duma, or the refugees in Kislev, it is very urgent to regain their homeland, so most people think that the Northern Expedition must be , and the second is the comparison of forces. Katalin has 50,000 White Guards under her command, and currently, after we defeated Hal-Eternal Eye, the Chaos army entrenched near Kislev City is only 10,000 or 20,000. , and they are all stragglers. This is an excellent opportunity. If it were me, I would definitely seize the opportunity."

"But Katalin also has obvious disadvantages. First, as we all know, the lower limit of the army depends on training and discipline, and the upper limit is equipment and veterans. The White Guards... are terrible. Secondly, her own command skills are also very low. , after the Battle of Zedevka, Kislev’s excellent generals and marshals were all lost, and their tactical planning and battlefield command capabilities are bound to continue to decline.”

Talleyrand nodded after listening to Ryan's analysis: "Very good, Your Majesty, you can almost go to the final battle with confidence. Katalin will definitely lose this battle, but she won't lose too badly, because she is against a person who has already escaped. For a person who has just escaped once, there is no pressure to escape again. The only variable is the old guard, uh, I mean, how much fighting power Katalin and her old guard have."

"Are you so sure?" Ryan smiled.

"I don't understand military affairs, Your Majesty, but I understand politics and people's hearts." Talleyrand shook his head: "Just watch, but remember, don't go to the rescue, no one will appreciate your kindness, and the responsibility for the defeat will still be placed on you. We have harvested enough from you on Erengrad, and it’s time to stop. Also, if we guessed correctly, Emperor Karl-Franz’s messenger will arrive in the near future. He is nominally the They came to congratulate and recruit troops, but actually they came to spy on the strength of our army, and to test whether we intend to annex Erengrad."

"Can you predict the future?" Ryan's eyes flickered. He had received a secret report from MI7 that Emperor Karl-Franz's special envoy Metternich had arrived in Talabheim! But Talleyrand didn’t know that at all!

"Limiting the target to your Majesty and the leader of the other party, I can guess something." Talleyrand shook his head: "I also guessed that the tsarina will come to beg you one day. When the time comes, I have a Thoughts to speak to you.”

"Not now?" Ryan blinked.

"Before the time comes, and once said, the method will be ineffective and will be very troublesome." Talleyrand said with a wry smile: "I hope you can understand that some things are timely and confidential."

"Your Majesty, the Northern Expedition is not possible!" In Katalin's private residence, the Minister of Logistics, Baghramyan, knelt in front of the tsarina. He almost burst into tears and said sincerely to the tsarina: "The timing is not right. "

"What's the wrong time?" Katalin just announced at the Duma Congress that she had approved the Northern Expedition, which was supported by the vast majority of the Duma. Three days later, the White Guards will move north to prepare to recapture Kislev. City, driving away the Chaos army there. Now hearing Bagramyan's plea, the female tsarina was very impatient. She thought for a while and said in a considerate tone: "I understand what you mean, Hov, the White Guards are indeed poorly trained. , and they are basically all new recruits, but the opportunity is rare. According to the reports from the scouts, there are only more than 10,000 enemies. There is no way that we can't defeat one of the five of us, right? Training while fighting, the battlefield is the best classroom. "

"Moreover, the empire's supply to us will be cut off! If we wait any longer, the White Guards will have no choice but to disband! This is impossible. I have made up my mind. In three days, the army will set off immediately!"

Bagramyan's request was rejected. This was not because Katalin insisted on having her own way, but because almost all the Dumas hoped to make a rapid northern expedition.

Three days later, the Kislev White Guards began to concentrate their troops and move north.

Katalin and the Dumas were unable to determine whether Knight King Ryan continued to "recover" Kislev City and Prague in the north. In addition, the empire's logistics supplies were gradually dwindling. They were determined to rush on and seize the fruits of victory. .

After discussing the marching route, everyone chose the fastest route, starting from Bekafen and heading east along the river to the important town of Fortenhof in the east, and then going directly north from Fortenhof through Lachhof to the Kislev city.

The military operation started very smoothly. As Ryan analyzed, Chaos now only has a group of stragglers left. When the White Guards appeared on the battlefield, dozens or hundreds of scattered Chaos troops were quickly expelled and defeated. At most, , Katalin can receive twelve good news in one day.

This made the queen full of confidence in the next war. She learned the lesson from the last defeat of Zedevka. When she encountered the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch Cha-Zanai at a place on the banks of the Talabek River, Katarin was cautious not to forcefully surround and pursue K and his Raven Guard legions.

This allowed Zang Aik to seize the opportunity and escape.

The White Guards wanted to continue their pursuit, but at this time the climate suddenly changed. In April, Ostermark had entered spring, and the Upper Talabek River began to thaw. Just after Zang Ek and his men escaped the frozen river, The climate suddenly warmed up, the ice and snow thawed, and the river surface turned into a torrent with a large number of floating ice floes.

The White Guards were unable to forcibly cross the fast and wide Upper Tarabek River, and the two sides began a confrontation along the river.

Fifty thousand White Guards, under the orders of Generalissimo Kislev Denikin, built a large number of rafts and boats in preparation for setting up pontoon bridges.

On the other side of the river, Cha-Zan'ek, the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch, had managed to amass as much of a Chaos army as he could, which amounted to less than ten thousand men. The Chosen Champion of Tzeentch knew he faced an absolute disadvantage in numbers, and due to After the failure of the Battle of Bekafen, the number of elites was seriously insufficient. Most of them were stragglers, with low combat effectiveness and low morale.

However, nothing excites Zan'ek more than this.

Because he will prove through an epic victory that he praises Ike, he is still the master of the battlefield and the trustworthy champion of the Demon Bird God!

But at this moment, the addition of an army changed the situation.

A group of less than 2,000 medium-mounted cavalry, led by a Kurgan Khan, chased the Wild Wolf Lord Leman Russ from the Far East. The two sides were in the shadow of the Talabek River. Encountered near the forest, after negotiations, Kurgan Khan joined Zan'ek's army, and the two sides announced an alliance.

His name is powerful throughout the Far East. He has entered the hinterland of the Cathay Empire several times and gained the attention and love of the Four Gods of Chaos. At the most intense time, he once fought his way to the capital of the Cathay Empire, Wei Jing City, forcing the Dragon Emperor to personally lead the three The main camp and the Twenty-Six Guards went to battle and finally drove them back to the north of the Great Wall.

His name is Subotai-Aanglang!

The old world, mid to late April, the border between Kislev and the Empire, the Shadow Forest.

Cha-Zan'ek, the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch, was frightened when he thought of his previous encounter.

Two days ago, when he and his army were surrounded by the White Guards, Zan'ek was left with more than a hundred Chosen Warriors of Tzeentch from the Raven Guard Legion, and he was almost surrounded by fifty thousand people! If he is not careful, he will really be found in the empire!

This made Zan Aike break into a cold sweat and he was still frightened.

Since the defeat of Bekafen, the number of troops around Zan'ec has been greatly reduced. The Tzeentch legion he led was already losing troops and its strength was greatly reduced. Especially after the news of the defeat of Mortkin's main Chaos force came, the Tzeentch army The Qi Legion also faced serious problems of desertion and attrition. The chiefs and champions had serious disagreements. Some escaped, some wanted to escape, some wanted to continue looting before leaving, and some even wanted to Continue south.

Zan'ec had spent a lot of effort to assemble these defeated soldiers, but what was very troublesome was that the Nurgle army led by Nurgle's chosen champion, Plague Doctor Festus, had received Nurgle's clear oracle request. Withdrew, the two sides continued to fight within themselves during the retreat, and fought two battles. In the end, Zan Aik was left with more than a hundred people, and he was almost surrounded and killed by the White Guards.

If not for the joining of Kurgan Khan Subotai-Canglang, Zan'ike would definitely have fled, but even now that he has been joined by Khan Subotai, Zan'ike is still not optimistic about the current war situation. After managing to integrate all the remaining defeated troops, he only had 9,000 men under his command, and including Subotai's cavalry, it was only over 10,000.

With an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, low morale and strong pressure, the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch knew that he must have a bold plan, otherwise he would not be able to withstand the White Guard's attack.

Now, on the north bank of the Upper Talabek River, in the middle of the woodland on the right side of the Shadow Forest, the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch, Cha-Zan'ek, and the Kurgan Khan, Subotai-Canglang, are discussing how to conduct this war. They must fight a very beautiful retreat, and quickly defeat the White Guards and retreat before the Ryan army in the west reacts to encircle them.

"The enemy may break through the defense line, and the cowardly Nanguo relies on numbers to suppress us." A Chaos Warlock stood in front of the map and explained the situation to Zan'ek and Subotai: "In the south, they are on Talabek Several camps and supply stations have been established on the south bank of the river, and pontoons and rafts are being built to prepare for crossing the river."

"The stronghold of Lachhof on the north shore is still in our hands, but it is already in ruins. Lachhof is surrounded by the Shadow Forest to the west and the Witvo Mountains to the east. We have no danger to defend it. We There are only 500 people in Lachhof, and their morale is low. It is impossible for the defenders to hold there. But if we give up Lachhov and retreat, once all the White Guards cross the river, we will be at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, and I am afraid that we will not be able to hold it there. It is difficult to win." Zang Ek said towards Subotai Khan: "The problem now is how we can ensure that we can concentrate our forces and quickly defeat the opponent's vanguard."

"You have too few people, Zan'ike." Subotai Khan had a slender black beard, a felt hat on his head, and a white wolfskin cloak with a black chaos armor underneath: "Are there any reinforcements? Elsewhere?"

"There is another army that may be able to help us." Zang Ek pointed his hand at the north: "If Sigvald can support us from the rear, everything will be fine."

As soon as these words came out, the Chaos Champions and Warlocks under Cha-Zan Ek looked at each other and opened their mouths.

"The noble Lord Chosen by God."

"Prince Sigvald..."

"Prince Sigvald, whose legions of Slaanesh were routed by Breton knights and hussars west of Groward Forest, has fled with his army to the mountain passes, along with another Slaanesh champion. Together with Stika.”

"What?" Zang Aike roared angrily: "He actually ignored our agreement! I told him to stop. This is an order! This is an order!"

"There is not much use in talking about these now." Subotai Khan always remained calm. He continued to observe the map. After thinking for a while, Subotai said seriously: "Then, if we want to win, we must You have to take some risks.”

"You mean?" Zan Aike also looked at the map: "Strikes halfway across?"

"It's not enough to attack halfway across the river." Subotai pointed his finger: "Lachhoff, we must experience a defeat here and win in defeat."

"Seek victory in defeat? You mean, attract the main force of the White Guards?"

"Honorable champion chosen by the God of Eagles, have you ever heard of a famous tactic of luring the enemy in the Far East? We must lose first. Only if we lose will the Russians be lured over."

" mean?"

"Diao Yefu!"

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