The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 1005, Fishing for Yefu!

Old World, east side of Fortendorf, the important town of Ostermark, ferry,

Fifty thousand White Guards gathered here.

Fortendorf is an important city in the north of Ostermark. Even after the defeat of Zan'ech's Legion of Tzeentch and Festus' Legion of Nurgle, there are still thousands of Imperial troops stationed here.

The High Command of the White Guards chose the ferry not far from Fortendorf with the idea that they could have the Imperial Army behind them.

Now, the army was camped on a river bank upstream of Fortendorf, and two logistics bases were established. On the night of April 20, the White Guards began to cut down the nearby black people under Katalin's order. forest, build pontoons and build rafts in preparation for crossing the Upper Talabek River.

On the other side of the river is the former southern town of Kislev, Lachhof, which was occupied by the Chaos army and is facing the White Guard across the river.

The camp was chaotic and disorderly. Neither Katalin nor the newly promoted White Guard officers were skilled enough in commanding. The Tsarina divided the entire White Army into ten parts in a rather hasty manner. , except for the Romanov Guards led by her personally, all the remaining White troops participated in the team of felling trees, transporting wood, and building and manufacturing pontoon bridges. and quarrels over the slow pace of building rafts and the constant duplication of work.

This is actually a very low-level mistake. If it is replaced by Ryan, the King of Knights will let the soldiers work on the assembly line. Who is responsible for felling, who is responsible for transportation, and who is responsible for construction. The specific contracted areas will be allocated wherever they are. It is clear, and Ryan often stipulates that those who do it faster will be rewarded with rewards and food, so the Brittanian army is faster in military operations.

Katalin obviously did not have the talent in this area, so she could only send supervisors to urge them, while waiting impatiently in the big tent for the pontoon bridge to be built.

The camp was in chaos, and Katalin's heart was also in chaos. According to reports from the scouts, Zan'ec's army was gathering on the other side of the river. The army of the Chosen Champion of Tzeentch was indeed not very large, at most 10,000 or 20,000 people. .

However, Katalin has learned some lessons after going through a series of wars. She knows that the White Guard army lacks training, nutrition, and military discipline, and can basically only fight with the wind. Therefore, she still hopes that the sooner the better. It is best to set up a pontoon bridge and cross the river immediately, catching the gathering Chaos army by surprise and relying on their numerical advantage to win quickly.

This was the campaign plan of the White Army High Command.

A few minutes later, Generalissimo Denikin walked in: "Your Majesty, would you like to rest for a while? We are responsible for the matters outside."

"How's the progress?" Katalin's mind was not on sleeping at all. She urged: "We must hurry up, we can't let the Chaos bastards quickly assemble the army."

"It is estimated that three pontoon bridges should be repaired tomorrow morning." Denikin said to Katalin: "It was originally expected to be five bridges, but judging from the current progress, it will be difficult to complete."

"Tomorrow morning?" Katalin thought for a moment and said immediately: "Then tomorrow morning, I will personally lead the Old Guard to cross the river first and launch a surprise attack on Ike and his army!"

"This..." Marshal Denikin wanted to dissuade her at first, but he soon understood Katalin's reason for doing this. After thinking about it, he gave up further persuasion.

"I heard from the Chekas that the Lion's Old Guard looked down upon the whole world. When the tricolor flag and bearskin hats appeared on the battlefield, whether it was the Beastmen, Greenskins or Chaos Army, they would subconsciously waver. Retreat in fear." Katalin saw Denikin's hesitation, and she said unwillingly: "But even Ryan's Old Guard was fought one battle at a time, wasn't it? I also have an Old Guard. Army, my Old Guards will also be under my personal leadership and show their power in the old world!"

"Yes! I, Denikin, will also cross the river with His Majesty tomorrow to witness the first victory of His Majesty's Old Guard!"

"Very good! As soon as the sun starts to rise tomorrow morning, the whole army will start crossing the river immediately!"


Things were settled.

Early the next morning, Katalin personally led the Romanov Guards to take the lead and began to cross the river.

The temporary pontoon bridge was rickety and not very stable. However, the combat effectiveness of the Chaos army was indeed very poor. A small number of Chaos skirmishers on the other side tried to launch several attacks on the pontoon bridge, but they were all defeated by Mrs. Keesler's bows and arrows and a small number of artillery pieces. rout.

In the afternoon, the White Army's vanguard force, numbering more than 10,000 people, successfully crossed the Upper Talabek River on a pontoon bridge and reached the other side of the river.

The other side of the river is already in a mess. It has been ravaged many times by the Chaos army. The town is already in ruins and debris. There are tents and ruins set up by the barbarians everywhere and trophies piled randomly.

There were gathering tents of barbarians everywhere near Lachhof. There were many of them, but they were also very messy. The level of these barbarian troops was really unflattering. They watched Mrs. Keesler build a bridge on the river. Most people really just watch! Nothing was done, and after Mrs. Keesler rushed over, this ragtag group of less than a thousand people quickly became chaotic. Most of these barbarians did not even wear armor, and many of them even only had a sword in their hands. , an ax or a knife! They are already starting to waver!

The core reason was that the bearskin hats of the Romanov Guards at the front, which were exactly the same as those of the Lane Old Guards, and the standard equipment obtained from Nuer, caused misunderstandings among these barbarians. After all, It is really difficult for the barbarians to identify some detailed differences.

There was one who took two axes from somewhere and charged towards the White Army Long Live: "For Chaos!"

Some grabbed their trophies and ran away: "The Nan is coming! Run away!"

Some people dropped their bowls and ran for their lives in the middle of eating: "I won't fight, I want to go home!"

The mob was in chaos, with nearly half of them running away, while the other half picked up weapons and rushed towards the White Army in groups of three to five!

"Form up!!!" Semyonov, commander of the Romanov Guards, shouted loudly: "Get ready to meet the enemy!"

The Guards were a little shaken when they saw the ferocious appearance of the barbarians, and the team began to become scattered. In an instant, more than 3,000 of the original 5,000-strong army retreated desperately, and less than 2,000 people lined up to face the enemy.

And what about the rest of the White Army?

These soldiers were brave and worked hard. However, the moment the two sides came into close combat, these tired soldiers who used inferior weapons and repaired the pontoon bridge all night were almost completely defeated in just a few minutes. All the soldiers subconsciously turned towards Escape to where the floating bridge is! The entire battlefield instantly became a mess!

The 20,000 White Guards were on the verge of collapse almost instantly! They were chased and beaten by hundreds of barbarian warriors!

"Load! Load!!!" Katalin yelled angrily while riding a white horse. She waved her whip and shouted at her guards: "Romanov warriors, my Old Guards! Are your spears broken? Are your swords curled? And are your muskets just decorations?!"

After speaking, Katalin drew out her rune sword - the soul of Soika: "The descendants of Queen Miska, the successors of Kislev Ice and Snow, my old guards, I, as Romano In the name of the Tsar of my husband’s family, I call on you to attack! Drive these barbarians out of our land and our home!”

The Tsarina herself gave a speech before the war, which greatly inspired the morale of the army, especially the Romanov Guards. After hearing Katalin's voice, the morale of the Romanov Guards recovered slightly and no longer wavered. The Guardsmen who were still holding their positions began to reload and rearrange themselves.

Katalin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and the Czarina couldn't help but feel a little proud.

She copied this trick from Ryan. According to the large amount of information she got about Ryan after arriving at Bekafen, the knight child... ahem, the knight king personally appeared in front of the soldiers to encourage him in every battle. By raising morale and giving a speech, his invincible Old Guards will burst out with the greatest loyalty and combat effectiveness, sweeping away all powerful enemies like a furious storm! Never fail! Crush everything!

I understand, just copy it and that’s it. You, Ryan, can give speeches and inspire morale, but I, Katalin, can’t?

Kill the old Guardsmen!

It has to be said that Katalin also learned some lessons from the Ice Palace Guards. After the formation of the Romanov Guards, Katalin became more concerned about it and personally trained them many times. At the same time, she also let them practice A certain number of live-fire training sessions.

The musketeers took out the small cloth bag from the small bag, tore open the opening with some unfamiliar teeth, spilled a little of the gunpowder inside and poured it on the gunpowder pool at the back of the musket, and then stuffed the remaining gunpowder and the bullets into the muzzle of the musket. , stuff it to the bottom, raise it, aim it at the enemy, and pull the trigger.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Nuer's standard equipment was the highest quality in the entire human kingdom of the old world, and the same was true for muskets. With a single volley, hundreds of barbarians were knocked down on the spot, and the rest fought hand to hand with the Guards.

At first, the Romanov Guards were defeated steadily by the barbarians who only wore trousers and hacked and killed with weapons. However, everyone soon discovered that the barbarians' low-quality weapons could not cut through their shields. Breastplate and armguards! It can only leave a mark on it! And the weapons Nuer used can easily tear apart the flesh and blood of these stragglers!

understood! Now go and face off against the barbarian!

The Romanov Guards withstood the wave for a while, and Katalin yelled desperately for the soldiers to come back and regroup. The White Army saw the barbarians actually defeated, and after all fled to the pontoon bridge, , finally began to regroup, the entire battlefield was in chaos, and the White Guards may have spent more than two hours regrouping their troops.

So what is Zan Aike doing at this time?

"Go up! Go up! Come up!" The chosen champion of Tzeentch also roared at the top of his lungs, urging them to flee in all directions. The panic-stricken barbarian warriors rushed forward. The enemy was gathering troops. At this time, it was What an excellent opportunity!

However, Tzeentch's words to choose the champion did not work, because his previous tragic defeat in Bekafen had made the barbarians no longer believe in him. Most of the elite troops were either wiped out under Bekafen or had already withdrawn to the north. In the wasteland, most of the remaining barbarian warriors are miscellaneous fish or opportunists. No matter how hard Zan Eike tried, the tide of defeat could hardly be stopped. The defeated soldiers carried the defeated soldiers, and the nine thousand barbarians he had worked so hard to gather ran away in an instant. More than 3,000 people were killed, and the rest were wavering and collapsing.

"Ahhh!" Zan Aike, who looked extremely angry, finally used extreme means to maintain the front line. He summoned a wall of fire that stretched for hundreds of meters! All barbarians who tried to retreat were stopped. Any barbarian warrior who tried to touch the wall of fire would be burned to ashes by Tzeentch's colorful flames. More barbarians died in the flames than were killed by the white army!

Through this method, Zang Aik finally maintained the battle line, but nearly two hours had passed. The White Guards finally regrouped under the command of Katalin and other generals, formed an array, and headed towards Lach Hough comes over!

Both sides were in a state of unstable morale. The White troops forced themselves forward amidst the whips of the war team and the scoldings of the Czarina, while Zan Ek's army relied on his constant spells to block their retreat. Just barely holding on to the front!

The two sides faced off again. What looked like a very fierce battle on the ruins of Lachhof was actually only the one or two thousand people at the front who were fighting. The chaotic barbarians were at a loss when facing the advancing white army. .

Zan Aike looked at this scene and sighed in his heart, thinking that he should go according to the plan.

"Blizzard!" Katalin unleashed a blizzard. Under the protection of the ice and snow guards, the Czarina cast spells continuously. She waved her staff: "Ice element!"

A dozen ice elements appeared in the Upper Tarabek River, which was floating with a large amount of broken ice. They formed the shape of humans, rushed up the river bank, and rushed towards the barbarian army.

"Ring of Ice!" The female tsar released a second spell, and a whole ring froze hundreds of barbarian warriors to the ground. Many barbarians were frozen to pieces on the spot.

"Demon invasion!" Zan'ec was not to be outdone. The Chosen Champion of Tzeentch immediately summoned a small army of Tzeentch demons to fight against the ice elements summoned by Katalin. He stretched out his two With one hand, he wrote crazily and quickly in the Great Book of Tzeentch. Soon, the ice circle was cracked by Zan'ec. The spell disappeared on the spot, and the trapped barbarians were rescued.

The morale of the White Guards suddenly wavered, and the invincible ice magic actually failed!

However, Zan'ec's actions of summoning the Chaos Demon and breaking the ice magic seemed to distract him. Just as he was casting the spell, the wall of fire used to forcibly prevent the barbarian army from escaping suddenly disappeared.

"The wall of fire is gone! The wall of fire is gone!" Someone among the barbarians shouted: "The wall of fire is gone!"

"Retreat! There are too many enemies!"

"We failed!"

The morale of the barbarian army collapsed again. Zan'ike's army was defeated. They fled in all directions, were driven out of Lachhof, and fled towards the north. Zan'ike himself seemed to be helpless, and could only be beaten in vain. The army retreated with force.

Finally, Katalin's White Guards successfully occupied Lachhof. While the soldiers shouted victory, military discipline was ruined. Facing the camps and large amounts of loot left by the barbarians, people forgot about the victory and began to move around desperately. After rummaging through possible seizures and trophies, the entire ruins were littered with scattered White soldiers. The 20,000 White soldiers were now as disorganized as the fine sand on the coast.

Meanwhile, just east of Lachhof, in the middle of a small taiga.

Kurgan Khan Subotai-Canglang's more than a thousand cavalry were hiding here. The Khan carefully observed the battle situation and couldn't help but nod repeatedly: "The stragglers below Zan'ike are only of this use. ,very good."

"There are a lot of Russians. If we attack head-on, one of our sabers will have to deal with ten of the enemy's swords. We will have to fight to the death to win." Subotai then said to the Kurgan champions near him: "But Now, we only need to focus on attacking the opponent's central army, and our one saber only needs to deal with the enemy's two weapons!"

Just as the Kurgan Cavalry was getting ready, seven or eight barges loaded with heavy objects and explosive barrels suddenly appeared on the upper reaches of the Tarabek River. The bows of each of their ships were rammed with iron plates. Horn, rushing down the river at an extremely fast speed towards the pontoon bridge that Mrs. Keesler finally built!

General Bagramyan, who was responsible for staying behind, was shocked when he saw this scene, but these barges could no longer stop him!

"Boom!" The barge instantly destroyed three pontoon bridges, and with the sound of explosions, the White Guards' retreat was cut off.

Kurgan Khan saw this scene. He nodded slowly, and his silver-topped and white-tasseled pointed helmet flashed along with his movements.

"Today, I, Canglang Subotai, will either die in this far western land and let future generations avenge me, or I will kill all these Russians and let the people here remember my name forever!" Subotai drew out his hand. He took out his own golden sword: "Let us pierce the enemy's heart like a steel sword!"

"Cang wolf! Cang wolf! Cang wolf!" No need to hide anymore, the Kurgan cavalry filed out of the forest!

"Heirs of Emperor Kurgan! Sons and daughters of the grassland! The blessing of the Immortal Heaven will always be with you! It's time for you to show your glory!" Subotai's tip gently pointed towards the white army's position, which was like a plate of loose sand. One finger: "Charge!"


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