confirm kill


After hitting a middle-aged woman in the head with a bat, Yoo-seong corrected her posture and ran towards the zombie horde.

I have to go through this hallway to get home anyway.

If a fight was unavoidable, it was better to end it quickly.

The total number of zombies is seven.

Yooseong, who increased the experience time with the Sura sense and improved the overall physical ability using the strengthening treatment skill, raised the bat above his head.

Dark Moon 16th. chopping firewood.

A simple action of swinging the weapon from top to bottom, as if chopping firewood.

It’s simple, but as much as it concentrates the whole body’s power in one point, it was as powerful as one.


Yoosung passed the zombie with protruding eyes and swung the bat in a trance in the slowed down time.

I don’t know if it’s a soldier or a knight.

Against the simple ignorant zombies, there was no need for flashy or sophisticated movements.

All you need is power and speed.

A heavy blow rang out, followed by blood and flesh flying everywhere.


Yooseong, who shattered his teeth by inserting a bat into the face of the last zombie that rushed at him, squeezed out his last remaining strength and struck his head.

-… … my life is over It’s over.

“It’s not the end, it’s just the beginning.”

-Noisy! This murderer! My life is completely ruined because of you!

Yoosung smiled bitterly at Choi Kang-sik’s voice, which was filled with bitterness and anger.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand Choi Kang-sik’s position.

A world where the concept of zombies does not exist.

People in this world couldn’t help but see zombies as rampages of the insane or seizures of people suffering from diseases such as rabies.

Since the situation is a situation, one or two can be understood and passed over as self-defense, but killing more than ten people brutally with a bat is a different story.

Even an unrelated third party would have no choice but to be shocked, but there was nothing more to say about the reaction of Choi Kang-sik, the person who will suddenly become guilty of serial murder.

“Where do I begin to explain this?”


“… … uh?”

The sound of something getting stuck in the flesh.

Mild pain radiating from the ankle.

Yoosung lowered his head and saw a zombie with a sunken temple biting his right ankle.

Ordinary teeth would not have penetrated fabric.

However, the zombie biting his ankle now had sharp teeth like a shark due to the impact of being hit in the face with a bat.


Yooseong shattered the zombie’s head by swinging his bat as if playing golf, and hurriedly pulled up the bottom of his pants.

Blue blood vessels spread around the wound, the size of a finger.

The rate of blood vessel dilation was fast enough to be seen with the naked eye.

At first, it was just a little spread around the ankle, but it climbed up to the calf before I knew it.

“Confirm kill.”

A scene from a famous zombie movie passed through Yoosung’s mind.

If you can’t tell if you’re alive or dead, you must kill to confirm.

I arrived at my destination at best, but at the end, I made this mistake.

Regrets came belatedly, but as always, regrets, no matter how fast, were too late.

‘… … It’s not over yet. I can’t end it because it’s unfair.’



Yuseong, who was about to get up, lost his balance and fell.

I couldn’t feel any sensation in my legs that had been bitten by zombies.

Yooseong, who managed to get up by leaning against the wall, moved forward with staggered steps.

“What is your password?”

-Do you think I’ll tell you that?!

“Fuck! What’s the password!”

Are you surprised by the sudden swear words?

Choi Kang-shik accidentally gave me the password.

-5, 5315.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I opened the front door and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

The symptoms of paralysis that started at the ankle spread to the upper body through the legs.

It’s only to the extent that the left half of the body doesn’t move yet, but after a while, the whole body will stop listening.

‘Then it will be a zombie.’

Yooseong, biting his tight lips, put his hand into the subspace.

[Pay 300,000 Karma Points to bring out the Archon Homemade Superlative Status Recovery Potion (B-).]

[Insufficient karma points.]

[If your karma points go negative, you may be penalized. Do you still want to take the item out?]

Yooseong, who hesitated for a moment at the message he saw for the first time, took out the item.

It’s a negative karma point. It’s enough to fill it up again, but a failed quest cannot be undone.


With the sound of the lid opening, a subtle refreshing scent spreads out.

A miraculous potion that even mitigated radioactive contamination and mutations.

Even the potion made according to the recipe had the same effect, but it was clear that a top-notch potion made by himself would be able to prevent zombies.

No, it would be difficult if I couldn’t stop it.

I drank half of the contents and lay down on the sofa as the meteor poured into the wound with the other half.

I couldn’t stay conscious any longer because of the severe headache and dizziness that suddenly started to come over me.

– Hey, hey! What happened? Please explain!

Hearing Choi Kang-sik’s confused voice, Yoo-seong squeezed out all his remaining strength and reached for the remote control on the table.

– Currently, there are unrest in various parts of the country. The government says to stay at home and avoid contact with people who show excessive aggression. … .

Yoosung tried to fall asleep with the urgent voice of the announcer as the background sound.

* * *

I have memories of being distracted a few times.

The surroundings went dark and bright repeatedly, and little by little different content came out on the TV.

I wanted to get up, but my body was as heavy as wet cotton, and I had no choice but to lose consciousness again due to the rushing water.

“Ugh… … .”

But this time it was different.

Beyond the vagueness of not knowing whether it was reality or a dream, I could feel a terrible thirst and hunger.

Yoosung staggered to his seat and went towards the refrigerator in the kitchen.

I emptied a bottle of cold water and started searching the refrigerator for something to eat.

Yooseong sighed as he ate bread, jam, drinks, ice cream, and sausages all at once, and even added tuna to ramen.

‘How much time has passed?’

I took out my smartphone, but it did not turn on because the battery was discharged.

Fortunately, Yoosung had a way to grasp the situation besides his smartphone.

“Choi Kang-shik.”

-You, you bastard! Why don’t you answer when I call you?! You were frightened when you thought you couldn’t hear my voice.

“I was too hungry to speak. How much time has passed since the day I fell?”

Unlike himself, who sometimes wakes up but falls asleep again, Choi Kang-shik, who shares sight and hearing, must know what is going on.

-I’m not sure, but about ten days have passed.

“You were alive and well.”

Aside from food, I thought I could survive for ten days without drinking water.

I wondered if it was the efficacy of the status recovery potion or whether the humans in this world were special, but now there was a more important problem than that.

ten days.

Long if long, short if short.

I couldn’t help but wonder how the world had changed in the meantime.

‘Looking at the electricity coming on, I don’t think it’s the worst situation.’

“No, that’s the worst.”

I plugged the charger into my smartphone to check the Internet, but only the screen that said the page could not be found appeared on the screen.

TV was no different.

As if there was no signal, only a screen with noise was coming out, and the barely caught channel was playing repeatedly with the message to wait for rescue without leaving the house.

I turned off the TV and went to the window to look out.

A gloomy sky, broken and abandoned cars, bloodstains left everywhere on the roads and walls, smoke rising from everywhere, screams that can be heard from time to time.

It was a sight enough to guess what had happened.

Yuseong carefully fell from the window and sat down on the sofa to organize his thoughts.

It was clear what to do first.

“You said you were curious about what a zombie is?”

Restoring the relationship with the client.

As for simple quests such as hunting monsters, securing items, or escaping, complex quests of this kind cannot be solved without the cooperation of the client.

If you think of Choi Kang-shik’s appearance before he lost consciousness, it will not be easy, but it is also a problem that must be overcome.

-… … No, that’s okay.

Unexpectedly, however, Choi Kang-sik showed a very calm reaction, unlike Yoo-seong’s expectations.

-I got a rough idea of what a zombie is while watching the news. A virus that destroys reason and triggers aggressive instincts and cannibal urges. Right?

“Well. It’s roughly the same.”

-Zombies are over now. What I’m curious about now is the existence of you. At first, I thought it was some sort of stress-induced double personality, but I knew it wasn’t the case when I saw him pull out baseball bats, grenades, and even zombie medicine out of the air. What are you?

“A solver who crosses dimensions.”

Yuseong explained to Choi Kang-shik about the existence of a user step by step.

I couldn’t believe it, but I couldn’t believe it because the situation was the situation.

“Can’t you believe it?”

-… … ha. Nothing changes if you don’t believe it, so what can I do? Anyway, if you achieve your goal, you’re sure you’ll return to the original world, right?

“You don’t have to worry, I’ll go even if you beg me to stay. More than that, I also want to ask you something.


“Tell me about your father. Not things like personality or taste, but things like jobs and what you’ve been doing.”

The core of this quest was Choi Kang-shik’s father.

First of all, the person himself was also an additional clearing condition, and based on Choi Kang-sik’s testimony, there was a high possibility that it was related to this zombie incident.

Choi Kang-sik, who was silent for a while as if it was an unexpected question, soon came to his senses and opened his mouth.

– My father is a great scientist.

“It’s too blunt.”

– Received the Nobel Prize five times. Twice in physics, once in chemistry and twice in medicine.

“… … That’s great.”

It was surprising that there was a Nobel Prize in this world, but it was even more surprising that he had won the Nobel Prize five times.

– Of course not great. If it wasn’t for my father, humanity might have perished.

“Humanity perish?”

-Before I was born, that is, about 20 years ago, a virus that originated in China spread all over the world. At first, I thought it would end soon, but as mutant viruses continued to emerge and new viruses appeared in China, the situation lasted indefinitely and the damage increased.

“… … It’s like a situation I’ve seen many times before.”

Yooseong burst out laughing.

It’s a very familiar story.

Although the risk has been reduced to a mild cold thanks to new medicines using monster materials and the performance of priests and other recovery-type talents, the whole world suffered from the Chinese virus until then.

Horrible rumors circulated that it would be impossible to return to the world before the outbreak of the Chinese virus, or that mankind might perish due to a mutant virus, but this world seemed to be a world where such concerns became reality.

– Then a really deadly virus was born. Commonly known as Omega Virus. As the name suggests, it was a virus that could end everything.

Terrible contagiousness, long incubation period, asymptomatic, fatality rate of up to 99%.

When the omega virus, which seemed to have been created with malicious intent to eliminate the human species, appeared, humanity had no choice but to despair.

Choi Kang-shik said that it was his father who found the solution in such a situation.

-You decided that vaccines could not solve the mutant virus and omega virus, so you invented a nano machine that physically destroys the virus.

Yuseong, who was about to ask if that was possible, kept his mouth shut.

Having done that, mankind in this world will be alive.

Above all, the entry-level nano machine skills in the status window were clear evidence.

The superior physical abilities of people in this world could also be explained by the effects of nanomachines.

“Don’t you know what Hansung Group is doing?”

-… … I’ve heard that they’re researching the origins of the first virus from China and all the ones that came after. I don’t know more than that.

“The source of the virus.”

After thinking for a while, Yuseong shook his head and stood up.

It was an important issue related to the second additional clear condition, but it was not something that could be known by worrying about it for a hundred days.

“Where is your father’s room?”


When I opened the door, the musty smell of books stung my nose.

The bookshelf that occupied one side of the wall was tightly packed with books, and the floor and desk were lined with piles of papers and papers with meaningless formulas written on them.

It was a scene that made even Choi Kang-sik groan involuntarily, but Yoo-seong calmly explored the room without panicking.

Compared to fighting to the death, this is an easy task.

It wasn’t long before Yooseong, who had been combing through bookshelves, piles of papers, computers, and drawers, was able to find something in the trash.

“Maybe it’s here?”

Crumpled envelopes of letters.

All of them had the same address written on them.

this is not a game

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